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You're right... wonderful cel for this thread too! ^_^ (Sat Mar 1 00:15:38 2003 )
kaerra [View profile ]

Man, being a temp can really suck, don't you 
think?  You start getting settled into a place, 
and then it's time to move onto the next job.  I 
temped a lot in the summer of 2000 when I was out 
of school for a year.  It was stressful, but 
nicer then, since the Valley was still in its big 
boom, and here I was a hitherto poor college 
student taking home $400 a week... wish I'd been 
better about saving it.  Ah well, live and learn, 

Good luck with your job hunt, and don't worry, 
your fiance will forgive you.  ^_^  Mine has.  : P

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