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Re: Re: Something wrong with my prices? Need adivse please! (Thu Feb 27 14:21:45 2003 )
Star Phoenix [View profile ]

From what someone has said, the Kenshin series is
supposed to air on CN in March.  So my guess is
that it will probably go "crazy" like it is with
Inu Yasha and you should be able to sell it then.
 If that doesn't help, then you shoiuld wait until
X-mas where prices normally go up.  That is, if
you can wait that long.  Normally, I look at cel
collecting as a hobby and not an investment.  So
IF, I do sell off a cel, I would not do so unless
I am getting my money back since I initially
planned to keep them and did not regret buying
them.  That is why I have so few cels compared to
everyone else!!

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