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Cels can kindle neighbour wars... this one did... and what a war! (Fri Mar 21 07:19:58 2003 )
fancels-org [View profile ]

Well, my Lina cel from Curt almost suffered a 
horrible fate...
The postman left it to the neighbours. BUT those 
neighbour boys who already killed dozens of our 
rabbits one evening thought to have the right to 
toss it against my window. 
I first thought it was a bunch of violent 
maroccans and called the police. But the next 
day, I heard it again and thought, okay, let's 
fight, stepped outside, yelled, "WHY ASSHOLE!" 
and there stood that stupid little Arno holding 
my parcel. The corners creased like hell.
So I removed the cel which survived, and 
thought, "wait... creased corners... noise at the 
window..." and took a test. I threw it, corners 
first, at the window. Another corner creased, and 
the same noise was made.

Meaning that now, I'm in serious war with my 
And every afternoon, nap time, I play Smells like 
Teen Spirit, Rape me or YnM Eden full volume, 
window open... next step an electrofence, let's 
see how they cross THAT! And a note for the 
postman... "Please don't entrust it to my right 
side neighbours, theyr bratty buys are just 
retards, a reason for pregnancy abort, please 
don't do this to my parcels!"

That's the hidden dark power of cels... be 
careful, they might be shinma.


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