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Well if this isn't a nasty li'l thread... (read further) (Mon Apr 14 18:50:16 2003 )
zerospace [View profile ]

C'mon guys -- what IS all this?  A person takes 
the time to apologize for something THEY feel 
they did wrong & you flame them?  That isn't 
right!  Since when are we all a bunch of a-holes 
who want our cake and eat it too!  Every so often 
this happens on this board & perhaps we should 
all chill out a bit before we write some flaming 
message for the entire world to see!

We all share a hobby -- collecting cels.  Some of 
us buy and sell them as a business & some of us 
are just in it to collect them.  Bottom line is:  
we shouldn't flame each other -- isn't it enough 
that some people think we're NUTS for spending 
our money on acetate and paint?? Now we have to 
torment one another?  Let's at least try to keep 
the 'community' together!

(I feel like I should be saying "can't we all 
just get along" ... dumb, eh?)


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