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Couldn't agree more! "Community" does NOT mean, abide by rules some strange privates set for their own fun! more (Sun Apr 13 14:59:32 2003 )
fancels-org [View profile ]

This may slide a bit out of context, but I 
noticed that in this "cummunity" a bunch of 
private hobbyists think they can set rules fellow 
collectors have to abide by because otherwise 
they must shut up. 
I'd like to remind that a community is a bunch of 
people sharing a hobby, not a bunch of people 
thinking "This is good, let's impose this on 
others". What I sell my cels for is still my own 
business. Simply don't bid!
Just because I want to share my hobby of cels I 
don't want people to rule and talk about my 
private matters or tell my how to sell MY cels to 
people who decide on their own whether or not to 
buy, and how far they're going when bidding.

 Fellow collectors ONLY share their love for 
paint-blotted acetate, not their private life, 
MEANING, they can, if they want, since it's 
neither crime, nor evil, sell their OWN things 
for however much they like, treat it whatever way 
they like, WITHOUT being treated like some evil 
element not abiding by childish rules. Childish 
means, just because 100 people think something is 
good to do, person #101 doesn't have to do the 
same just to be respected. It's like a gang here, 
smoke the same brand or don't wear the same 
slacks as us!

Cels are getting a way too high meaning, may I 
remind that nobody is going to die without them? 
Au contraire, when I see what silly dogfights 
people get in because of those devices, I think 
studios should have immediately burned them after 

Those "rules" and no-nos are so silly. Buying low 
and selling high, is not a no-no but someone's 
goddamn right. OR is it a no-no because 
frustrated auction losers want to somehow find a 
guilty one for their not getting a dream cel? 
Guess so.
 It's like kindergarten.
I have the impression, that here you either put 
on a mask and act like everyone else or you're 
politically correct by nature, or otherwise 
you're an a-hole. Go outta your way to be 
accepted, YUCK the thought!

In other hobbyist communities, it goes on less 
childish - because, there people know that a 
person's personality or such doesn't count when 
sharing a hobby! I also share my love for akita 
dogs on an akita board, and I don't have to 
apologize for my yelling at my own dog: it's my 
exclusive business. Same for sushi_moon's eBay 
Why make people feel guilty for living their life 
the way they like just because it keeps you from 
byuing things cheap!?
Why be poor and broke just to please a community 
of strangers happening to share your hobby?

And, treating others badly or putting on a mask 
over some cels is truly pathetic! If those sheets 
of plastic require you to change your attitude or 
something, I'm damn proud and glad that I quit! 
And I may be annoying repeating my words, you 
take those plastic devices way too seriously! How 
can those things change your brain!? WOW, and I 
thought smoking shit would be required, but all 
you need to do is buy cels!!

In other words, Sushi, keep your gallery up, keep 
selling stuff. Don't even think of letting 
someone whose face you've never seen rule over 
you and tell you what to do, 's your life and 
your cels.


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