You've got me confused, Tara. Which cel are you
talking about (with yellow eyes)? The one you
posted at 7h41 of the blue fellow? If his eyes
are indeed yellow, then you're right. But I never
would have spotted that from the scan. ;-)
I wasn't trying to give lady douji a hard time,
either. I didn't want any new folks to read this
thread and get confused on what "monochromatic"
typically refers to.
And yes, some night scenes are truly
monochromatic. I just used them as an example
because I have several myself where everything is
blue---except for some skin tones or a minor
detail here or there. Very easy to mistake
for a mono. That was the problem with douji's
cel. The skin tone might have been a light
blue/black version of the hair color, but that
pink tongue definitely disqualifies it....
Isn't the term "monchromatic" kind of arbitrary
anyway when discussing cels?
JP |