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when tenacity pays off! (Fri May 2 01:06:10 2003 )
jINx [View profile ]

I had been eyeing this cel for some time, but had
been telling myself not to get it.  The seller's
scan showed that it had heavy oxidation.  Whenever
I get a cel that is in this condition, I usually
end up selling it because I just can't enjoy it in
that state.

Months passed. I couldn't stop thinking about the
cel. The price was too good to pass up, especially
for OAV cels.  It even was marked down $50 since
the last time I looked at it!  I finally I gave in
and decided to buy it.  After all, it was an
A1,B1,C1,D1/End book cel and I knew I'd never find
another one.

When I got it in today, I was able to survey the
'spots' in person.  The heaviest seemed to be on
the top layer (just her hand).  Yann had said once
that 'spirits' would work to help remove them.  I
decided to try some rubbing alcohol and a cotton
cloth (well, my cotton pajamas ^^;;).

I rubbed and rubbed and rubbed some more.  I was
unable to get rid of all of it, but I must say, it
DOES look so much better!  I don't even mind the
remaining spots as they aren't as noticable anymore.

I wish I had scanned this in its 'before' state so
you could see just how spotty it was.  They are
still there, but it is MUCH much less now.

I just thought I'd share my finished product.  :-)
  It's a great cel!

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