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Oh, don't get me wrong -- I see completely what you mean. . . (more) (Thu May 1 23:48:27 2003 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


I know exactly what you mean. . . If I'd seen 
that scan and been *really* interested, I'm sure 
it wouldn't be long before I found the auction 
either. But we're in the group of people who know 
the most likely suspect places to look, and not 
everyone does. (*shrug*)

Posting only the image doesn't solve *all* the 
problems, but I think it's still the least 
problematic way of asking a question about the 
auction without putting up a neon pointer and 
sign reading: "LOOK! IT'S RIGHT HERE!"  ^_^;;
And I really do think there has to be some way to 
ask a general question about auction items 
without getting jumped for possibly giving away 
a "secret". . .

Many Sharp Smiles,

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