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Re: Posting an auciton image to ask a question about it isn't a problem. . . (Thu May 1 17:43:33 2003 )
Tralfaz [View profile ]

Errrr....welll... I really don't have a dog in 
this fight, but I did want to make one comment in 
defense of Kabukimoon.

Even though Star-Phoenix did not say the image 
was from an auction, I was able to determine the 
auction site and the specific dealer's name in 
about 3 seconds. And I'd be willing to bet that 
kabukimoon and I weren't the only people on this 
board who figured it out.

I'm not a FY collector either, but if someone 
called attention in this same way to an auction I 
was stalking, I'd be annoyed too. The way I see 
it, she might as well have posted a link right to 
it. -_-

Just my two cents.  I'm sure Star-Phoenix meant 
no harm, so there's no need for us to jump all 
over her (or kabuki).

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