Hello, Animazement 2003 is over, and I am back
home. Only added one cel, but it's pretty cool
if you want to check it out. But the real reason
for this post is something quite OT.
While at AZ I saw some very funny videos made by
a small crew of people that mocked cons, con-
goers, and anime itself. I believe the name of
the man who was in charge of these videos was
Mark Andrews (but I could very easily be
mistaken). The videos were called the
following 'This is Otakudom', 'Evangelion
Re:Death', and 'Fanboy Bebop'.
I hope I'm not causing trouble by posting this
information, but as they were shown at least at
one convention, they must be distributed in some
way or another. What I'm wondering is if anybody
knows where I can download/puchase these videos.
Or even, get ahold of their creator, if I have
his name correct or not ;P.
Any help would be appreciated it, as I am
feigning like crazy to watch them agian. Thank
you. (Below is my only new cel from the trip) |