Sorry, I didn't understood anything : In the same
message, you managed to say that the prices are
going up and that they are droping. That it's hard
to find cels and that there is a lot good ones
sold on Yahoo...
Actualy, I would say that the problem of most cels
shops is that it's simply too hard to find enough
good, valuable cels. There is very few put on the
market and they are pretty expensive. You simply
can't run a real shops with cheap, not very
popular cels : you can't sell enough of them.
People are mostly buying less cels simply because
they can't find good ones. If there was cels for
sale, they would buy them.
Most collectors are keeping their cels and don't
sell them back or want prices that are too high
for shops. Especialy as they can sell directly to
other collectors for higher prices.
Concerning Photo and "Now and Then" cels, I don't
think that it's the studio that suddenly released
them : it's a long time that AIC didn't had any
cels left. Those cels were bulk sold a few year
ago. And it's the companies/people that bought
them that started to sell them now. (They are not
popular cels in Japan so they didn't bothered
selling them before. But as it's very hard to get
many new cels, they now sell them so that the
shops will have new stuff : If a shop doesn't have
new cels regularly, people stop visiting it.)
Yann Stettler