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Re: Archives...turning over stones...bones, and histories.. (Tue Jul 1 16:15:49 2003 )
melissa [View profile ]

Well I Have been posting for around 4 or so 
years.  I think how long you are in the hobby 
depends a lot on life changes.  I know I 
definately don't buy as many cels as I used too 
now that i am all married and trying to have a 
kid and have lots of adult things to spend money 
on (like a mortgage and stuff).  When I first 
started collecting Years ago I had an apartment 
that was really cheap (back in the days when you 
could get cheap apartments in the boston area) 
and I didn't have many expenses and I only paid 
the minimum payment on my credit cards (I no 
longer carry any balance on credit cards which 
is good).  Back then if I had money in the bank 
or on my credit card I would buy a cel and now I 
am a lot better about just blowing money I 
really don't have so I don't collect as much.  I 
still love my cels but honestly I don't get them 
out as much and they mostly just sit on a shelf 
in my closet in a stack of cel books.  

Right now I think the cel market is a a real low 
because the economy is bad so peopel just don't 
have the kind of money to throw around as they 
used to and because most new shows are digital 
so there are not as many new cel collectors.  I 
really don't know what is going to happen to the 
cel market in the future.  

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