Sometimes I search through the great archives here
and I can see the evolution of some of the cels
that are collected: the fads, the prices, bust and
boom cycles, etc. One thing that really sticks out
in my mind are all of the many collectors and
names, that have come and gone.
I still see a few of the old school collectors
posting every now and then even from as far back
as 1997 days to the present, but many old names
are missing, along with many dead gallery links to
cel sites. It makes me pause and think to myself
the question, "What is the average collecting
life-span of a cel collector, in general terms?"
Of course, it is a case by case situation, and of
course many people may have just gotten bored with
posting here for one reason or another, but even
that does not explain to some degree the
disappearance of so-many collectors over time.
Is one, two, or three years a good estimate that
the majority of collectors just move on to other
things, living their lives and leaving their
active cel collecting days in the past..? I don`t
know, but it is a curious thing to me. I am not
that long in the hobby myself, but I have seen 'em
come with a flash and go out with a bang,time and
time again.. many collectors, over the last few
years or so. What do you think about this? I am
particularily asking the "good ol boys and girls"
that have been around for a while longer (3+ yrs.)
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