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Re: Holy Moly, antother SHOW ME! (Sun Jul 20 21:35:30 2003 )
nesuferit nli [View profile ]

I think it's really sad that something that was
supposed to be about a happy occasion got turned
into such negativity ;/

When I first read the thread I didn't even catch
it, but when I go back and read it I think it can
definately be viewed both ways.  

Maybe he didn't see the thread?  It was nice of
you to point it out but you could have worded it
better to avoid any negative perception.  I know
there are a lot of show-me threads that get
recycled but sometimes that's a good thing since
usually most people try to use new cels or ones
that they haven't posted yet.

Anyway, I am not trying to upset anyone so if I
have I didn't mean to.  Here is my contribution to
the thread - Vash has a small one near his right
eye (I almost thought I didn't have one) ;)

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