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*whimpers*, and a question? (Wed Jul 23 17:59:15 2003 )
Weyrlady (nli) [View profile ]

So I finally saw a cel on YJ that I wanted 
enough, and had a low enough minimum bid, to 
contact a deputy service and ask them to bid for 
me.  And what do I get in reply?  The seller has 
set a "keep price" of more than twice the minumum 
bid!  Argh!  Why?  Whhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyy?  
*sniff*  I can't go for that price on the cel, 
even though it's still a reasonable price for it, 
considering the deputy fees that would be 
attached this close Otakon.  *sighs*

So my question is, a "keep price" is basically 
the same as a reserve price?  I don't see tht 
listed anywhere on the auction, but I may just be 
stupid. ^^;  Where would you see whether or not 
the seller has set one, and how high it is?

On another note, I'm rather amused at the most 
recent Anime Museum IY update- two cels of 
Sesshoumaru for more than $400 each, and a 
Shippou for less than $10.  *laughs*  Just 
slightly bemusing, the difference in character 

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