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AX was kind, granting me a dreamlist cel this year. (Thu Jul 31 03:54:43 2003 )
kitt [View profile ]

I missed out four times on cels (in auctions at 
the last minute) of D from the first Vampire 
Hunter D movie, as they seem to be quite a bit 
rarer than cels from Bloodlust.  I thought it was 
not to be.

I just wanted a nice cel of D with his hair, eyes 
and sword visible.  Thumbing through cel books at 
AX this year I found him...  (Many, many thanks 
to Mark for a helpful whisper in the seller's 

What's neat about this cel is that D is dodging 
and drawing his sword left-handedly, something he 
does only twice - when Gimlet attacks him during 
his first foray into Count Lee's castle and when 
Rei attacks him after kidnapping Dan.  I'm not 
entirely sure (I haven't done a frame by frame 
yet) but this cel might have been used in both 

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