I will scan! Must show you my trade fodder in
case there's Fudomine available. ^__^
*giggles* But, hey, at least the competition is
good and friendly. Nothing worse than competing
with not-nice people for your favorite series.
Most if not all of the CCD collectors, if I
don't get something I can at least be happy that
they did, instead of wishing them great bodily
harm, cursing their parentage, etc. ^_^ And
after seeing that Fuji pan, I'm just as jealous,
I promise. And I'm just *envying* your chibi
Kentarou. *weeeeeeeeeeps* My newest CCDs are a
pair of OPs (one from the last sequence and one
from Sherlock Holmes Nokoru), a birthday cel
from Keeper (who also painted me PoT fancels
that were from Jenn for my birthday), a birthday
cel from Cindy.
*giggles* But the fun thing about PoT is...it's
not like real tennis. I mean, if guys really
jumped thirty feet in the air to take a smash,
tennis would be much more exciting, or if
Roddick decided to do Ryoma's Drive B when
playing Agassi, you couldn't pry me away.
*giggles* I think episodes 64 and 27 (Karupin!)
will be the ones to show her and lure her in.
And the bowling no ohjisama! Have you seen that
one yet?? It's part of the special with the new
chibi ep.
Y'know, I've just got to give in and take Cindy
up on her standing invitation to come north. The
chance to see everyone's cels/genga in
person...not sure if one human body has enough
saliva for me to drool as much as I will,
but...I'm game! Maybe after Japan... ^^;;
Anyways, I'll close out this post with one of my
beautiful birthday gifts from Jenn, painted by
our own Keeper. From a doujinshi cover by Scoop,
Tezuka and Fuji from Prince of Tennis. ^___^