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Re: Cute! and a question...and an answer...and a mission! (Wed Jul 30 20:26:23 2003 )
nokorukaichou - NLI [View profile ]

Thanks! Being the owner of three short-haired 
Karupins myself, I just had to have something 
with the cute and fluffy kitty on it. ^_^

As far as breaking up cuts, I'm more than 
willing. I've gifted some of my non-collector 
but PoT-fanatic friends with sketches from some 
of my cuts, and they were thrilled to hold a 
little piece of the show in their hands. (Heh 
heh heh - it's a gateway drug, I'll have them 
with a collection of paper, paint and acetate in 
a few months...)

I have some Taka that I would part with. I 
*want* some Fudomine, especially Tachibana. And 
I want Oshitari. My Keigo and Shishido itches, 
though, have been nicely scratched. *pats 
celbook* Ah, it figures that you and I would 
glomp the same series again. Speaking of that, 
gotten any new CCD cels? And if you *ever* want 
to sell your takoyaki vendor cel, I have money. 

Pssst, keep working on CindyV and get her hooked 
on PoT, too. ^_____^

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