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netiquette question ...(spoiler inside?) (Sun Aug 3 22:40:54 2003 )
rayd [View profile ]

Hi Xelloss ^_^x

I have a question for you and anyone else who 
wants to read this. At what point does a spoiler 
not become a spoiler and works its way into the 
common workings of a particular sub culture? An 
example would be the Star Wars "Luke, I am your 
father." scene spoken by Vader. And if you 
havent seen star wars by now, shame on you. ;) 
Now I have never seen FY, an probably never 
will - not my type of anime most likely, however 
even i know what happens to Nuriko. So my 
question is, in posting a cel for sale should 
there be a absolute no description of the item 
or for clarification post a spoiler warning so 
one knows what one is getting? 
Just curious about the proper netiquette these 
days. :-)

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