I'd say Saturday, just because that tends to be the big
day for most cons and more dealers try to make it to
their tables for Saturday, when they expect the most
business. The Dealers' Room is probably most packed
on Friday, when it is opened, and Saturday, throughout
the day. If you park yourself in line for the Friday
opening, you just might get lucky. It's hard to say. There
weren't too many cel dealers at BAAF last year though.
And yes, you have to buy an entrance pass even if you
only want to go to the dealer's room... $15 for a half-day
pass isn't so bad.
Still, overall, I think that this year's BAAF will be a good
one. I have a feeling that there will be a few licensing
announcements since Otakon was somewhat dull as
far as that was concerned (all that "we've just got a few
more papers to sign" and "no comment" stuff... pfft). I'm
looking forward to it all. Anyway, just my thoughts...
gleaned from my own personal experiences! ^_~
/t. |