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Right ... Right ... but ... (Tue Aug 26 22:30:05 2003 )
sensei [View profile ]

My sysop felt that if my computer had been 
remotely accessed, in order to upload Blaster 
into it, then it was possible (not necessarily 
probably, but possible) that it had been observed 
in a way that would allow a second party to pick 
up passwords that I used.

Maybe this advice is overkill, but I did have 
trouble logging onto my server soon after the 
attack, and while this was a transient that fixed 
itself, my sysop said it would take much for a 
hacker to log on as me and then change my 

This in fact happened (for other technical 
reasons) to my daughter a couple of years ago, 
when a hacker took over a website that she'd 
spent hours creating, trashed it, and locked her 
out by changing the password.

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