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Re: Re: At everyones request new image scan of pirotess cel (Wed Sep 3 08:04:59 2003 )
darksuzaku [View profile ]

Yep, you are right, i know that chances to find
the cels from the OVA that i want can take long
time, not in vain i have been looking for them for
3 years and the only time i had the chance to get
one on an auction on yahoojp the cel price arrived
to an unaffordable price for me so chances are
that if another one pops up the same thing might

You are right about yahoo japan. That cel would
sell very easily there, japanese bidders are
willing to pay much more for cels than people on
ebay, you can see it everyday. However i dont know
how easy or difficult is to sell things on yahoo
japan for someone who doesn't know japanese. I
guess that if you can get your ID fully registered
(people can halp you to do that) then you don't
really have problems.

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