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Actually, Riki-Tiki-Tavi is a one shot deal. . . (Tue Sep 9 00:47:41 2003 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


The only Riki-Tiki-Tavi animated piece I know is 
a short movie, not a series. I read and loved the 
original book and it's too bad more time wasn't 
put into it. I think it could have made a 
fabulous 4-6 part OVA type of thing. ^_^

There was another series done with a ferret 
looking creature as the center point, called 
Okojosan. ^_^ I would love some genga from it, 
but I can't even find any fansubs. (I have the OP 
and part of the first episode raw.)

In any case, I'm another person available to 
offer ferret advice! ^_^  I'm on ferrets #3, #4, 
and #5 right now. Ferrets #1 and #2 were the 
reasons we bought our house. ^_^; But they're a 
pet that needs to be researched well and not
"jumped into". (Well, all potential pets should 
be researched, but ferrets and birds *especially* 
so!!) Some important pointers:

1. Plug every hole in your house larger than a 
dime. Then plug the ones smaller than dimes just 
in case. When you get the ferret, plug the 300 
holes it finds that you didn't know about. ^_~~

2. Ferretone. They'll do anything for Ferretone. 
It's VERY useful stuff! Never let it run out. ^_^

3. Litterbox hit rates are 90%. *IF* you're lucky.
If you're unlucky, there is Equalizer brand spot 
and stain remover. ^_^;;

4. Find a *ferret* vet in your area. Not a cat/dog
vet willing to see ferrets, but a *REAL* ferret 
vet! Your ferret will live longer for it.

5. Most important!! They have HIGH potential for 
tumors, espcially adrenal tumors, which make them 
smell MUCH stronger and lose hair. When you get a 
ferret, start a mini-fund. At five or six years, 
expect to need to consider removal of one or both 
adrenals. This costs **A LOT** of money even with 
no complications. Don't be caught unprepared! @_@

And. . .

 ^_^  **6**  ^_^
Many ferrets need good homes!! Cuddly, bouncing 
ferrets that are already litterbox trained and 
nip-trained! Find a shelter in your area. ^_^ 
They usually come with the first vaccines, and 
adoption fees are cheaper than petstore prices. 
It's a good deal! ^_^ ALL mine were adopted and 
are fabulous! Don't feel insecure about it! ^_^

Sorry, I have to put in a plug for homeless 
ferrets everywhere. ^_^

Many Sharp Smiles,

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