As long as the seller is pricing the cel in the
neighborhood of its current market value, let
them make a profit. If you no longer feel the
same way about a cel that you once did, you
should have no qualms about selling it for the
current market value. I've brought this up many
times before. Many of us have been lucky enough
to jump on a sweet deal now and again. I bought
my favorite Outlaw Star cel for $35. That was two
years ago. Do you honestly think, if I no longer
collected the series, I would sell it for $35?
Hell no. I would want the current market value
(and yes, each cel and scene does have an
unwritten ballpark market value). However,
certain online friends would get first crack at
it out of respect. To me, that is the right way
to handle things. No sense getting screwed on a
deal just because you may have lost interest in
collecting the series(or collecting as a whole). |