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I second that. (Fri Sep 26 23:25:25 2003 )
ladybrick [View profile ]

95% of the time I sell a cel, I put it on eBay.  
Letting the public determine the price makes your 
job a lot easier.

Also, if you stick a cel up for a price that is 
currently well under market value and make it 
available to anyone, it may very well be bought 
by someone who plans to turn around and sell it 
for a huge profit right away.  And if that's 
going to happen, why should they make the extra 
money off it and not you?

Thing is, the value of collectables change, and 
what you paid for it a couple years ago really 
shouldn't affect what you sell if for now, unless 
you aren't willing to sell for a huge loss or 
something.  Which isn't the case here.

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