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Re: To Hazelrahfiver -- read this (Thu Oct 9 07:11:11 2003 )
HazelrahFiver nli [View profile ]


Ummm, I don't recall what all this is about :P  
I appreciate the effort whoever wrote that, 
but... unfortunately I have no idea who you are, 
what cel you are talking about, or where it is
(was).  Also, I don't recall being suicidal... 
nor anything about a squirrel.  As far as I know 
I'm fine, but thank you.

To Startyde - if you would be so kind to contact 
me about what you believe this person was 
referring too, that would be great.  Since you 
already claim to have 'it', there should be no 
worries.... whatever it is.  Thank you.

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