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Re: What do you think about Yahoo sellers banning people from bidding? (Tue Oct 21 01:56:01 2003 )
nesuferit nli [View profile ]

I'm sorry you had such a bad experience :(

It can be very devistating having your bid
cancelled for no good reason.  I experienced it
not too long ago as well.  I think mostly they do
not want the cels to go to other countries.  Even
if they try their hardest you can still find ways
to fool them though.  Really no matter what they
do the cels are going to go to foreign buyers
eventually.  Who's to say the buyer wont turn
around and sell it to who ever will bid on it? 
They can more than likely make a profit off of the
cel as well because their open to all bidders
instead of just a select group.

I think it's absolutely rediculous and I cannot
understand that kind of thinking at all.  It's
their right to sell to whoever they want but since
the buyer is using a deputy it should meet the
requirements of not selling overseas because of
communication and shipping complications.  

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