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Maybe more given more attention than before.. (Sun Nov 2 08:56:24 2003 )
E [View profile ]

 I think that element has been around for a 
while, but there was so much more collecting 
excitement then than now too. It just is more 
glaring to see the dumb stuff.

We all did not start off perfect either, so you 
have to remember that there is a learning curve 
too. Laughter is good medicine. Some of the 
unwise commentators will be tomorrows' Mr/Ms. 
know-it-alls :-)

Some of us can remember, those days, when there 
where many more cels, more collectors, and more 
money to spread around for cels and other things, 
to spend more freely.. So, the temporary insanity 
of others was quickly replaced with the 
excitement of collecting cels posted for sale.

 Now that demand and supply, in general, are both 
down for many cels,, so there are a lot more 
lulls now for many collectors. 

 Show me threads appear safe and uncontroversial, 
albeit a bit redundant after a while for some.

A lot of lurking goes on because it is too time 
consuming sometimes to respond to the same 
misguided comment that has been made over and 
over again by someone. For Matrix Reloaded fans, 
it is like dealing with a bunch of Agent Smiths 
over and over again. You get the same looking 
fool trying to take a punch at you!

Also, a lot of the older collectors are much more 
patient than ever to even consider wasting their 
energy on either cels or dumb comments.

Remember all of the Taro 50% off sales, and 
remember that there used to be many more dealers 
online? It was like a fun mad-house around here.. 

Ah, the good ol'days ;-)


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