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Re: Why are there so many ANAL people on this forum? .... (Fri Oct 31 17:38:30 2003 )
vamppire [View profile ]

"I have noticed that whenever a fellow 
cel collector post's something and they are not 
the regular  names that are seen on this board 
they are attacked."

Unfortunately this happens in just about every 
single forum out there.  New persons' posts are 
frequently ignored or criticized, even when they 
post something interesting and valid - and yet 
a "regular" can make a post about discovering a 
new nose hair and 25 people will respond. lol.  

As someone who doesn't post enough to become a 
regular, or who just isn't liked enough, I can 
say that it gets pretty frustrating after awhile.

I don't really have a point here - just wanted 
to point out that that particular phenomenon 
occurs everywhere. ~_~  The actions of other 
people already ruined one hobby for me.. so I 
*try* to distance myself from it so cel 
collecting isn't ruined for me as well.

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