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nothing personal taken.... (Wed Oct 29 05:51:44 2003 )
haruna.of.jurai [View profile ]


eBay does not ban fan cels, but it is considered 
illegal to reproduce the images of anime 
characters since they are copyright.  unlike 
other fan cel artists on eBay, however, i do not 
make fan cels specifically to sell on eBay.  i'm 
not a lean mean fan cel machine, and i only sell 
the ones that (a) i made to test colors for 
another cel, or (b) i made as a commission and 
the buyer didn't pay.

i do a lot of original fan cel work, which i also 
occasionally sell on eBay, but most of it is 
commissioned original work.  the original work 
that isn't commissioned i can't seem to let go 
of, i always want to keep it :D.  so i hope i 
answered your questions, and please don't flame 
me because that's all this post was for, 
answering someone's questions.

for certain people, yes, i know i'm evil, i know 
i reproduce images on acetate with paint and 
pens, i know that you hate me and every fiber of 
my being, no, i'm definately not the only one, 
and yes, i know that you still buy fan cels 
despite all that.  thanks,


thinks that eyegrey had it right when they 
changed their name to "imitation animation"...

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