I can't believe how some people can completely
and totally misread things. There's nothing at
all in your news message to make it look like
your ferret would go untreated.
It just makes a person not want to say anything
about themselves anymore. The last two times my
pets have gotten sick, I didn't want to mention
it anywhere after snotty mail I got with the first
sick pet -- because I *wasn't* selling any cels.
Yes, I got hate mail because I had a sick pet and
"would rather keep pieces of plastic". (Trans: I
wasn't desperately taking offers on my gallery to
pay for it.) (My thought: Gee, maybe I'm NOT
obsessed enough to be broke from the hobby??) Like
you, I NEVER said my pet wouldn't get treatment,
and I can't figure out why the hell it's someone
else's business how I should pay my bills.
Having just gotten Archy through a nasty vaccine
reaction that had him in the emergency for almost
a week, and having had to deal with the same
brand of e-crap, I feel for you. . . (*huggles*)
Make sure to tell me if I can help somehow. ^_^
Many Sharp Smiles,