I just received an "anonymous" rude email -
hotmail & it bounced when I replied. So... let
me explain about this sale. In case you read my
news page or my auctions, you will see that I am
trying to "raise" money because my ferret is
having an operation soon. I am not hurting for
money, I do have money saved up for emergencies.
However, this will be expensive (like all of my
vet bills), so I am just trying to generate some
extra cash to backfill behind the money I spend
on MJ.
I really don't see what the problem is, I can
sell anything I want anytime I want & I shouldn't
have to defend myself! I am sorry if my post
offended anyone (although I don't see how it
could) but I would NEVER EVER deny my babies
doctor care because I didn't have enough money.
I would put it on plastic, take out a loan, or
even beg my parents for a loan if I didn't have
the money for emergency vet bills.
To address the person who sent me an email - I AM
I DON'T "MAKE" ENOUGH MONEY. Jeez... I'm really
getting too old for this, but this struck a nerve
so I am replying publically. ^^;; |