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Is that cel original or reproduction?? (Sat Nov 22 08:37:36 2003 )
JC [View profile ]

It isn't my cel.  ~_~  However, someone just
posted it up for sale and it looks very much like
a Studeio Periot reproduction cel even though they
pose it as a real cel (never seen a repro cel in
person, but I have seen the same/similar cel sold
as repros).  How can you tell if it is fake or
real??  It has registration holes, but it doesn't
really show any traces of line fading like a real
production cel is (not on my computer at least)
and I have heard of repro cels with production
sequences on the corners written ont hem.  So I
really don't know.  I just have this very weird
feeling.  I have asked the seller, but I don't
know if they will respond to my e-mail (dealing
with a group of stores, nto an individual seller).

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