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Sellers can sell WATEVER price they want but.... (Sat Dec 6 11:11:23 2003 )
I'drathernotbeflamed [View profile ]

Yea, its his property and he can jollywell list 
it at any price. BUT, we are all collectors and 
although there are ppl who are crazy abt certain 
cels, we all know when something is being sold 
greatly above its market value. (There is 
certainly nothing wrong in paying your price if u 
really like it of cse ^_^) So I juz find the hoo-
ha over someone saying that a seller's price is 
high totally uncalled for. A lot of times I find 
a person flamed/chidded when he/she mentions that 
a price is too high for something when in fact 
there IS some truth in it. Surely he/she has a 
right to his/her own opinion as long as it's not 
rudely put or an outright lie? I mean, if 
collectors pay in relation to how much they like 
the cels, then such a comment shdn't hurt 
sales. :)

*dodges any flames thrown at her*

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