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Re: Indeed o.o; (Sat Dec 13 19:07:37 2003 )
munch [View profile ]

Perhaps you also can pluck down a couple hundred
dollars for ONE highend cel, if you reduced or all
together stopped buying, so many low end ones.
Quality vs. quantity, IMO that is your situation.
Since quantity seems to be your concern then I
don't see your problem, but at the sametime you
shouldn't be surprised that you cannot purchased
the higher end cels. Also keep in mind other BGC
OVA collections typically have less than a quarter
of the number of cels in your collection. And as
you already know, those cels are typically much
higher in quality than yours. The choice is yours
whether or not you ultimately save up by reducing
how many low end cels you buy so you can buy one
highend cel. IMO it is a tradeoff, the quantity
aspect inorder to obtain the quality of one good
cel. In any event, good luck.

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