I know of about a dozen places that do carry BGC
cels (most places nowadays prefer to carry BGC
2040 cels instead of ones from the OVA), and a
lot of them overcharge for them. Cels from Crash
have generally been cheaper than those from the
OVA (I've gotten quite a number of my Crash cels
for under 20 bucks, some as low as $5-$7), and
from my experience cels of Sylvie and Vision have
been particularly expensive. I have three Sylvie
cels ($65, $150, and $59, respectively), and I
consider myself lucky just to have those. I do
NOT have any Vision cels yet because they
routinely go for hundreds, espeeeecially ones of
her from the ep. 7 opening *shudder* ($500 and up
for the really good shots of her). And it seems
like hardsuit cels are getting harder to find...
And need I remind you that The List includes not
only my cels, but all my other BGC-related
goods? You have been warned...;) (I think right
now it's at 6 pages on 10-size font...) |