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Holy Moly Moments (Sat Dec 13 04:23:37 2003 )
sensei [View profile ]

I understand now ... this is what I call a "Holy 
Moly Moment."  That's when an auction is going 
pretty steadily at a modest rate, and then 
suddenly the price shoots up 10x or more.  

Nearly always what this means is that two bidders 
really want the item.  One puts in a high reserve 
bid; the other hopes to overwhelm the other by 
putting in a huge challenging bid.  That way, you 
can suddenly see auctions change from chump 
change to serious money in seconds.

I once saw an auction that seemed to have settled 
in at the 25,000 yen region, just under my usual 
limit.  I was counting my pennies, trying to 
justify going 30,000, when I blinked, and all at 
once the high bid was 165,000 yen.  Holy Moly!

Like Vamppy, I'm sending you bid-repellent wishes 
so that this doesn't happen to you and you get 
your cel for a fair price under your reserve.

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