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Re: Anyone else have trouble with japanese deputy services? (Fri Dec 19 15:50:20 2003 )
rekka (nli) [View profile ]

I don't have much experience with many deputy 
services, but I believe I know who you're 
talking about in instance #2 and can agree with 
you totally.  I used to work for unsaid deputy 
service though had to quit due to school.  
Unfortunately, school had to come first.  But, I 
too, stopped connections with this serivce 
because I was tired of being yelled at and 
having to "kiss butt" back to them to stay in 
the fold.  There was a point when I had enough 
of it and wanted out.  I was very happy doing 
what I could for them, but apparently that 
wasn't good enough.  I can understand that being 
a deputy service, time is of the essence; and 
when my school work got crazy, I couldn't do 
things in a timely manner.  After the fact even, 
when I would talk descretely about unsaid deputy 
service, I was threatened to make a public 
appology for something I believed was right for 
me to feel.  =P  

I don't know if this was due to language 
problems or what; I always felt like the 
individual had a good enough grasp on English to 
know what I was saying and what I meant, but the 
individual chronically became angered and cussed 
me out on numerous occasions, whether it was 
warrented or not.  =P

I still have unresolved issues with unsaid 
deputy service, 2-3 missing cels, actually.  But 
I've pretty much given up on them and don't feel 
too badly about it, though it still irks me, two 
years later.  *sigh*

So this is my last impression: Deputy services 
exist to help the customer.  When the deputy 
service becomes hostile in any way--especially 
when you have only been a GOOD customer, being 
on-time with payments, etc--then I think you 
need to leave them and find somebody else.  If 
they don't value you as a customer, then why 
should you value them?  

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