In the past 3 years, I've used three deputy
services based out of Japan. In each case, I've
had major communication problems that led to much
grief. Lately I've begun to wonder, is this trend
going to hold to every deputy who isn't fluent in
english? In one case, the deputy was *so* nice
but simply could not phrase things in english at
all, which made our transactions confused and
awkward. I never got my merchandise on time, but
I grinned and bore it because at the time they
were the only one through whom I could order from
japanese stores.
In the other two cases, the deputies would blow
up at me at the slightest misunderstood phrase.
Temper, temper. One repeatedly kicked me off
though I *always* paid them in a timely fashion,
and spent thousands of dollars on Yahoo Japan
using their service. So after a year of using
their service and paying ON TIME, I get an
accusation that I am a deadbeat and a threat to
kick me off again. I feel that since they are the
ones I am favoring over their competition, I need
to be treated with respect and leniency, not as
if they are doing me the favor by taking my
money. >_<
Should the customer be punished for a deputy's
lack of comprehension of the english language?
Does anyone else see a need for more english-
fluent deputies with fair prices? Personally, I
am ready to make the switch to a US deputy, I
have had it up to here. *points to forehead* I
highly value good customer service, especially
because when I was running my little deputy, I
made a point to give my bidders the best customer
service I possibly could.
/Mina |