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Actually, I find I'm bidding higher on what I do go after. . . (Tue Jan 13 22:25:49 2004 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


Selection is so decreased now that competition 
has tripled for anything really nice. Even with 
the number of shows I collect from, and a few of 
them not very popular, I go fairly long periods 
of time between "must have"s. So when I do decide 
that a cel is worth pursuing, I actually tend to 
bid *higher* and more aggressively than before, 
because it's no longer a case of: "Something else 
will come around the bend next week." It might be 
a month or more before the next thing comes 
around the bend.

But I rarely resell more than lot remainders, and 
that extra money has to come from somewhere. It 
comes from decreased spending on cheapies or even 
fairly nice cels, which I otherwise would have 
happily added to my collection. Because I never 
know when the next "must-have" will raise it's 
head, I have to be always prepared for an 
expensive fight.

Many Sharp Smiles,

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