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Re: O.O Now I know who to pester! HA! (Fri Jan 23 05:09:26 2004
Chaotic Serenity [View profile
That IS an awesome TF cel...and an awesome pan
cel in general. That's what I love about the
Japanese robot series - the cels go for so
cheap! (I recently picked up a rather nice
Brave Police cel myself. They're really
overlooked commodities.) Congratulations on
that awesome find!
Of course, the cheapness isn't the same case
with the American 80s series. X_X I paid a
pretty penny for Rodimus. In fact, he's my most
expensive cel by, oh...$200 dollars? (Which
drives me insane, since the person who
originally got it managed to get it off of yahoo
japan for only eighty dollars.) But,
hey, ultimate, ultimate wishlist cel. How
often do those pop up?
And if you're looking for some, I suggest you
keep an eye out on YJ and ebay for awhile.
There were three Rodimus cels in total that
popped up, as well as a Hot Rod and some other
really awesome TF:TM cels. A couple of other TF
sellers are/were starting to slim down their
collections too in the past month or so. Would
you like a link to some of the famous Rubberslug
galleries to catch them if they start taking
offers again?
Thanks for the comments, though! (And I'm still
sitting over here jealous of that episode 35
-Chaotic Serenity |
Message thread :
- So, let's see your 2 favorite acquisitions of 2003, heh. - tk (nli) (22 Jan 08h36)
- Hmm, tough choice. - blueheaven (22 Jan 09h36)
- Cel #2 - blueheaven (22 Jan 09h42)
- A CCS collector's Top 2 for 2003 - sensei (22 Jan 13h45)
- you make us CHOOSE? cel #1 - baakay (yawning, nli) (22 Jan 13h57)
- Re: So, let's see your 2 favorite acquisitions of 2003, heh. - Shelby (22 Jan 14h19)
- Only 2? o_o; - vamppire (22 Jan 14h25)
- Re: #2 - HerbertWest (22 Jan 14h59)
- Cel #1 - Star Phoenix (22 Jan 15h14)
- Cel #1 - gabriel (22 Jan 15h19)
- Cel #2 - gabriel (22 Jan 15h21)
- Well I guess I'll go with two I never dreamed of finding - ciaran (22 Jan 15h20)
- My top two cels are... - Snow Bunny (22 Jan 15h43)
- #1 - ladybrick (22 Jan 16h46)
- #2 - ladybrick (22 Jan 16h48)
- Eeps! Hard choices - Yuuki (22 Jan 16h51)
- Very tough.. #1 - myers551 (22 Jan 17h02)
- #2 - myers551 (22 Jan 17h05)
- Only 2?? Well, then it would have to be... - ChibiKoji (nli) (22 Jan 17h18)
- Re: So, let's see your 2 favorite acquisitions of 2003, heh. - melissa (22 Jan 17h23)
- Re: So, let's see your 2 favorite acquisitions of 2003, heh. - spinizuey nli (22 Jan 17h49)
- Behind door number 1!!!! - Sempei (22 Jan 17h52)
- Re: So, let's see your 2 favorite acquisitions of 2003, heh. - ix@work (22 Jan 18h30)
- My 2 fave acquisitions for last year..... - summer_queen (22 Jan 18h47)
- I could not ask for anything better. - Chaotic Serenity (22 Jan 18h53)
- Easy choices, in retrospect... :) - evilminion (nli at work) (22 Jan 19h04)
- Re: So, let's see your 2 favorite acquisitions of 2003, heh. - graymouser (22 Jan 19h18)
- .So many cels, but easy choices... (#1 pick) - Summfox nli (22 Jan 20h13)
- Please list character and show for us newbies! :) - shell (22 Jan 21h13)
- #1 - dustie(nli) (22 Jan 21h45)
- #2 - dustie(nli) (22 Jan 21h47)
- Re: So, let's see your 2 favorite acquisitions of 2003, heh. - kymaera (22 Jan 22h37)
- Re: So, let's see your 2 favorite acquisitions of 2003, heh. - nesuferit nli (23 Jan 00h47)
- #2 - nesuferit nli (23 Jan 01h00)
- This should come as no surprise - xelloss (23 Jan 02h01)
- my first one - tk (nli) (23 Jan 04h33)
- Re: So, let's see your 2 favorite acquisitions of 2003, heh. - chingmy (23 Jan 07h27)
- My no.1 - x (23 Jan 14h30)
- So hard to choose....#1 - Yumeko-chan (23 Jan 17h01)
- Cel #2 - Yumeko-chan (23 Jan 17h07)
- Re: 1 - Katanas's Edge (24 Jan 07h11)
- Re: So, let's see your 2 favorite acquisitions of 2003, heh. - ladyhipoo(nli) (24 Jan 17h08)
- #2 - ladyhipoo(nli) (24 Jan 17h10)
- Cels from Utena and Sailormoon - saxxydiva (25 Jan 15h13)