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Eeps! Hard choices (Thu Jan 22 16:51:59 2004 )
Yuuki [View profile ]

Oh boy!

Okay, I think top prize goes to the one thing I 
did not realize I was getting when I purchased 
it - and it made me squee long and hard XD.  My 
TeniPuri promo genga/BG set

Thank you photoshop, you make overlaying gengas 
onto BGs look nice.

Second spot goes to my picture perfect Akira-kun 
cel.  I was never really 100% content with the 
Akira cels I saw in my collection, this one 
popped up, I won the auction, and I'll be content 
forever more n_n

..... I know I shouldn't do this, but I must hand 
out honourable mention to a rarity I picked up at 
AX ;_; Samurai Pizza Cats has a special place in 
my heart, and they are definatly not easy cels to 
get a hold of - so Polly, Fran, and the counter-
top Polly demolished get a plug too

So much shopping left to accomplish in 2004 o.o;


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