... I was just too tired last night to give you
feedback, so the wife and I broke out the
Newfoundland rum and watched Leno instead.
The sequence of Sakura swinging Kero-chan is
nice: cels are images in motion anyhow, and I've
always been happy with cels that go together like
this. (Probably why I'm getting interested in
genga sets as well.) In this case, the set is
more interesting than just a single cel. It would
be nice to be able to reanimate such a sequence,
but I too concede that this is probably
expensive, and there are always little things the
studio can add that never make it past the
dumpster outside.
I agree with Sempei: the pan cel from the Dash
ep. is a stunner, and one of the rarest costumes
too! And a SD of Hikaru with cat ears! Good
job! |