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Is this a new trend? (Sat Jan 31 20:32:40 2004 )
rayd [View profile ]

I just noticed recent items up for sale, I don’t 
know if it’s a new or old trend. More aptly it 
has been recently brought to my attention that 
sketches are being photocopied and sold. There 
is no fraud happening because it is plainly 
stated in the descriptions of the items. Is this 
due to the new scarcity of cels and sketches due 
to the advent of CG? Do these items have value, 
if so how much would it compare to the real 
McCoy? Are these items post or pre-production?  
The items I’ve seen that are photocopied are 
settei, layouts, and storyboards and the like, 
they are pre-production items that are 
photocopied. If these sketches are post 
production items, does that affect the value? 
Just thought I’d get input from the community 
since I’m clueless on this, totally 404. Any 
input would be appreciated, thanks for your 
time. ^_^x

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