And what makes it worse is you did not
even "lose". Didn't you win third place? I would
think that counts for something.
I'm reminded of the time I saw Michelle Kwan on
Jay Leno after the Olympics awhile back. When
asked about how she felt at not taking home the
Gold she replied happily: "But I didn't lose the
Gold. I WON THE BRONZE." That's true
I think in any sort of competition - be it
athletic or creative - you should maintain some
level respect, both for others as well as your
own self-respect. And be realistic. Sometimes you
cannot always be Number One.
And if you seriously ENJOY drawing and art (which
I'm assuming at one point you did have fun with
it, else you would have given up ages ago) than
something so trival shouldn't matter.
Honestly, you're having a very childish reaction
here. Get over it. It's not the end of the world.
Sheesh. O_o
~ Heather |