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Bags! Use bags! (Wed Mar 10 21:43:08 2004 )
lynxa [View profile ]


I don't know if putting the cels directly into 
the book will damage them or not (I would be 
TERRIBLY afraid of the paper sticking, acid free 
or not).  I just don't think I'm physically 
capable of putting a bagless cel in my book.

Wait....let me check....nope, my hand just won't 
let the cel get near the book.  It's like a 
vampire with a cross ^_~

Jeez, when did I get so anal? ^_^

Anyway, the way I understand it is that the bags 
prevent line fade, and just touching the cels 
with your acidy little hands can cause weird 
stuff to happen too so bags or white cotton 
gloves are always the best bet.  Bags are just 
easier (and less OCD looking too ^_^)

My opinion is, if you love your cels and want 
them to be happy little pieces of acetate, get 
them some snug bags to live in! 

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