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Yann ? (Mon Mar 22 14:38:08 2004 )
olivier nli [View profile ]

I agree with what you said, but I was talking 
about something else.

To me the biggest difference between LD and DVD 
is the data encoding. The data compression (mpeg-
2) of the DVD is such that when you watch your 
DVD frame by frame, you won't get the original 
frames at all because of data compression ! 
While on LD, you do get the original frames (as 
if the format was an "animated bmp").

DVD image quality is still better (better 
resolution, and so on), but when it comes to 
watching a sequence frame by frame (which we do 
as cel collectors to have a picture of our 
cels), it's much easier with a LD.

I'm not a specialist, in fact I am just telling 
you something I learnt from one of Yann's posts 
some time ago, but I didn't find it in the 

Yann if you read this can you confirm ?

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