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Re: Charlotte cel... (Sun Mar 21 22:56:09 2004 )
Fireye (NLI) [View profile ]

I'm sorry, but I find it amusing that you compare 
a dvd unfavorably to a ld in terms of 
frames/fields.  It's exactly that same for most 
DVD's as LD's!  They're both _interlaced_.  In 
fact, dvd's are generally better, depending on 
your deinterlacing setup, or your tv, due to 
increased resolution (though color depth could be 
argued).  Just wanted to point that out. ^^

P.S. - Yes, there are progressive (non-
interlaced) dvd's, but they're mostly limited to 
hollywood releases.  I hold my progressive copy 
of the Utena Movie very, very close to my heart.

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