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Re: Re: New Cel Gallery (sorta!) (Sun Mar 28 00:47:09 2004 )
Remi-nli [View profile ]

Wow, another Gren fan. I had no idea he was this 
popular... @_@

I've never thought of my Kenshin OVAs as one of 
the better sections personally. There are so many 
amazing cels from those four OVAs, but the prices 
on them are just... crazy. All of the ones I have 
I would say are at least three or four years 
since I bought them. I just can't compete with 
what people want to pay for them now.

I actually had some other amazing ones a few 
years ago but they were in somebody else's care 
temporarily and well, they never found their way 
back to me.

I saw your Duo sequence mate! I actually used to 
have another from that sequence that I bought 
because it came with the background, but I 
preferred the cel I had more. So I paired my cel 
with the background and sold off the other. I 
don't remember who it ended up with, but 
somewhere in the US is another sequence mate 
owner. :)

As for linking in your gallery, I'd be honored! 
Like I told someone else, I buy cels so rarely 
and updates will be so infrequent I'm pretty sure 
my gallery will just be lost in the sea of 
galleries pretty soon. So anything to direct more 
traffic there so I can share my cels is great!

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