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What is the longest you've gone without buying a cel?(Possible Show Me) (Wed Mar 31 23:02:09 2004 )
blueheaven(NLI in New Zealand) [View profile ]

Hey all. Still kickin it here in NZ. I'll be back 
in the states in time for Easter. I have a 
question for everyone: What is the longest you've 
gone without buying a cel since you started this 
hobby? I bought my last cel at Anime Expo last 
year, and since then I have not found too many 
cels that I could really sink my teeth into. 
There have been a few here and there, but I 
either chose not to pay the ransom or lost out on 
the auction. So, what's the longest dry spell 
you've had. Maybe you could show us the cel that 
broke you out of your slump!

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